Northland Store becoming single-use cup free with the help of Westpac

Northland Store becoming single-use cup free with the help of Westpac


Westpac contacted us with the need to find a solution for 73 keep cups that were no longer being used. With Westpac taking a responsible approach to waste, landfill was not an option.

Westpac’s key priorities for redirecting the cups: – Avoid sending them to landfill – Repurpose

That’s why they contacted us at All Heart NZ. We redirect all sorts of items in situations like this, and the result of this redirection was worth sharing!

Cast your mind to the mighty Northland where you will find The Cable Bay Store tucked away in the paradise of Cable Bay. The store has been bringing relief from the summer heat to thousands of kiwi’s every summer with its tasty tip-top ice cream, and it envelops every visitor with tasty coffee and views of the ocean that stretches for miles.

Like Westpac, The Cable Bay Store is always on the lookout for ways to reduce waste and think more sustainably in order to preserve the beauty of Northland for future generations. Recently, The Cable Bay Store decided to work their way towards being single-use cup free.

Every change comes with challenges, but because of the responsible approach to waste from Westpac, All Heart NZ was able to redirect 73 keep cups to The Cable Bay Store, helping them with their goal significantly. This redirection has meant the shift has been smoother, customers are happier, and the store is able to be brave and truly work towards their brave but necessary shift.

If you have products that cannot be sold or used in your workplace for their purpose, please contact All Heart NZ. We can help you keep them out of landfill and support communities around Aotearoa instead!

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