Celebrating a Milestone: All Heart NZ’s Triumph in Sustainability

A couple of months have elapsed since an event that instilled an immense sense of pride and joy across the All Heart NZ team. At the prestigious 2degrees Auckland Business Awards, we were honoured with the ‘Excellence in Sustainability’ award, a recognition that still fills us with a profound sense of jubilation and gratitude. This accolade is not just a trophy on our shelf; it’s a beacon of the impact we’ve made and the sustainable path we continue to tread on.

Sustained Joy and Gratitude

The ‘Excellence in Sustainability award stands as a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainability. It symbolises the hard work, dedication, and passion that every member of our team has put into making All Heart NZ a paragon of environmental stewardship and social responsibility. This award has bolstered our resolve, reminding us of the positive change we’ve initiated and the long road ahead in our mission to foster a sustainable future.

Fueling Our Mission

Winning this award has reignited our determination to push the boundaries of what we can achieve in environmental and social responsibility. It serves as a validation of our efforts and propels us to deepen our commitment to sustainability—a core value that is ingrained in every aspect of our work. From our resource recovery hubs to our community initiatives across Aotearoa, our mission is fuelled by the desire to make a lasting impact.

A Collective Achievement

The success we’ve achieved is a testament to the collective effort of our entire team, dedicated volunteers, Impact Partners, and clients. This award belongs to every individual who has supported our vision and contributed to our mission. The unwavering support and shared belief in making a meaningful difference are what drive us to continue our work with even greater zeal.

Impact Beyond Boundaries

Our resource recovery hubs scattered throughout New Zealand serve as more than mere facilities; they are vital centres of community support and environmental care. The profound impact these hubs have on local communities extends far beyond their physical boundaries, fostering ripples of positive change across the nation. This achievement underscores the importance of our work and the broad-reaching effects of our sustainable practices.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. Each contribution, no matter the size, has been crucial in helping us reach this significant milestone. A special thank you goes to Z Energy and 2degrees for not only honouring us with this award but also for inspiring sustainable action within the community and beyond.

The Journey Ahead

As we reflect on this momentous achievement, we are reminded that our journey doesn’t end here. Each new day presents an opportunity to innovate, inspire, and implement solutions that have a lasting benefit for our planet and its people. We are committed to continuing our mission to build a more sustainable and inclusive future, step by step.

Together, with relentless determination and collective effort, we will forge ahead, making strides towards achieving net-zero carbon and a sustainable future for all. The road ahead is long, but with the continued support of our team, partners, and the community, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish.


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