We Recover Redirect Divert Anything for Any Corporate,

We're the specialists in circular solutions for unwanted business assets. A second life for surplus office furniture and equipment and anything else that would otherwise be thrown away.

Planet-positive. People-positive. Corporate sustainability at no more than the cost of landfill.

Our Impact

Of all items diverted from landfill
0 %
Kilogrammes of corporate items collected
Tonnes of carbon avoided
Communities supported
Funds Saved or Funds Raised
$ 0

Our Services


A comprehensive and professional recovery service for all unwanted corporate resources.

We work with a network of partners and the nationwide chain of locally owned All Heart Stores creating a circular solution for everything from furniture and IT gear to construction waste.

A documented solution that creates lasting environmental and social benefits.

All for no more cost than sending items to landfill.


Strategic support for your transition towards organisational sustainability.

Our services include:

- Design and Build Circular Solutions
- Design and Build National Resource Recovery solutions
- Waste audits and tours
- Sustainability education
- Data analysis and reporting
- Environmental impact planning

He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

What is the most important thing in the world?
It is people, it is people, it is people.

Our Theory of Change

We’re a profit-for-purpose organistion dedicated to making corporate sustainability simple. By raising the sustainability standards and practices of the top 0.5% of businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand, we influence 60% of our workforce and grow a more sustainable society. By developing people and places through All Heart Store we maximise resource recovery, significantly increasing positive environmental and social outcomes.

“The partnership with All Heart NZ allows us to offer its redirection and repurpose services to our commercial customers. It’s a great thing to be able to redirect goods that would otherwise end up as waste and support communities across Aotearoa at the same time.”

Ingrid Cronin Knight

GM Strategy, Customer & Sustainability

Our Impact & Sustainability PARTNERSHIPS

Demonstrate your commitment to the community and the environment by incorporating sustainable practices into your business today.


All Heart NZ provides comprehensive and professional recovery services for unwanted corporate resources. We’re not in position to accept office furniture donations.

We take anything, from any corporate, anywhere in NZ. We then process what is reusable or recyclable, safely dispose of the remainder, and give you a report so you can track your social and environmental impact.

ReDirect costs no more than sending your items to landfill. The price includes professional freight services to recover your items and a waste diversion fee. ReThink is a bespoke specialist service and is professionally scoped with every client.

We provide logistics anywhere in NZ and keep you updated from beginning to end.

Every job is followed up with an Impact Report which details the positive social and environmental impact of using All Heart NZ rather than sending items to landfill.

Yes we do! From sustainably deconstructing items to sustainably ReDirecting items, we offer a holistic service.

Easy! Follow the link on our website or just get in touch with one of the All Heart team and we’ll talk you through it. All partners get an Impact Partner Agreement to review before formalising the partnership.

ReThink taps into our years of experience in corporate sustainability to help you navigate your path to climate-positive and people-positive business. It’s a custom solution that starts where you are now and draws on our regulatory,, organisational and logistical expertise to get you where you want to be as a sustainable organisation. The Rethink service portfolio includes:

  • Design and build circular solutions
  • Design and build national resource recovery solutions
  • Virtual Sustainability Department
  • Carbon benchmarking and management
  • Risk assessment
  • Waste audits and tours
  • Sustainable sourcing
  • Sustainability education
  • Data analysis and reporting.
  • Environmental impact planning